Summer isn’t really summer without good books.

2024 – Smokey Bear Reading Challenge
Natural History Society of Maryland is celebrating Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday by learning how to prevent wildfires and help the environment. Read 3 books and earn 4 badges to complete the challenge and earn your prize! Start by taking Smokey’s Pledge. Badges are earned by completing at least one activity in each section. Get a stamp for each badge you complete.
How to Participate
- Who: Challenge is geared for parents of children, ages 4 to 10, but all ages are welcome.
- When: June 22 through September 14, 2024.
- How to Sign Up: Get started by downloading the printable challenge log. Reading logs can also be picked up anytime during our public hours. Wednesday 2-6, Thursday 10-2, first Sunday of each month 10-2
- Have Fun: Read books about wildfire and the environment, take action, receive prizes, and help Smokey!
- Prizes: When you have completed your Smokey Bear Reading Challenge, return your log to the Natural History Society of Maryland to receive your prize and take a picture with a bear!
Join us as we launch Smokey Bear Reading Challenge on June 22 from 8:30-12:30 and pick up a reading log. This will take place during the Overlea Farmers Market. Learn more about Market Days at the Museum here.
NHSM encourages you to visit your local library in person or online to learn more about special programs to foster a love of reading.