Wingspan – Learn and Play or Just Play

Community For the Family Open to the Public

During select open days at the museum, NHSM’S Game Master, Tabbie, will be on hand to teach new hatchlings, guide recent fledglings, and challenge experienced birds. Two tables will be set up, one for learning, one for playing (depending on demand, additional tables may be added).

Free, but please RSVP for planning purposes. If you are new to the game, please plan on arriving promptly at the start for lessons. 

Released in 2019, Wingspan is an award-winning, competitive, card-driven board game that has sold over a million copies. In Wingspan, you, the player, control a small wildlife refuge, a little patch of ground with some forest, some grassland, a marsh. Your job is to populate the preserve with a flourishing array of birds. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT THE GAME.


RSVP: $0

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