CANCELLED: Swimming with Sharks: the Story BEHIND the Story with Author, Twig George

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For the Family Lectures & Workshops Special Event

Fortunately Twig has offered to present on Saturday, August 27th at 10:30AM at the Overlea Farmer’s Market Open House.

Stay tuned for more details.


Author Twig George visits the Natural History Society of Maryland to celebrate Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading Program. Twig will share the story behind the story of her book – Swimming with Sharks.  Following the talk, kids can build their own shark, adding important anatomical features, to take home.

Twig grew up in a family of naturalists. Her mom, Jean Craighead George, wrote over 100 books about nature and animals for children. When Twig was growing up, her family raised 173 animals in their house, not in a barn, not in cages (mostly). She would wake up in the morning and a crow might be knocking on the window, and often at night there would be a raccoon in her bed!  Twig has used experiences with animals as a jumping off point for her books – which combine facts about animals in the form of a story. She has written or co-written seven books, several with her mother and brothers including: A Dolphin Named Bob, 1996, HarperCollins; Swimming with Sharks, 1999, HarperCollins; Jellies, the Life of Jellyfish, Millbrook Press, 2000; Seahorses, Millbrook Press, 2003; Pocket Guide to the Outdoors, 2009, PenguinRandomhouse; Ice Whale (completed unfinished manuscript by JCG); Crowbar, the Smartest Bird in the World, (completed unfinished manuscript by JCG) 2021, HarperCollins.

Copies of Twigs book, Jellies and her new book on Crows will be available for purchase and signing. 

SWIMMING WITH SHARKS: No TV, no friends, and a grandfather struggling with retirement from marine biology–Sarah’s sure her stay in the Florida Keys will be the most boring summer of her life. That is, until she begins to take notice of the unusual-looking fish that visits her grandparents’ dock every day. When Sarah discovers she’s befriended a baby lemon shark, her fascination with sharks fakes roof. Before long, Sarah and her grandfather are inseparable as they spend hours tracking, observing, and swimming with sharks. The Florida summer heats up quickly with heart-pounding shark encounters and the daring pursuit of two shark-fin poachers. This is a shark-filled summer Sarah and her grandfather won’t soon forget.

