Spend Earth Day with Rachel Carson

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Special Event

This Earth Day, Rachel Carson is coming to the Natural History Society of Maryland. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet an icon. This leader of the modern environmental movement, has strong ties to Maryland. She obtained a Masters Degree in Zoology from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service in D.C. and living in Silver Spring, Maryland, wrote the seminal book, Silent Spring that spurred a nationwide reversal pesticide policy, including the ban of DDT.

This special fundraising event for the NHSM will be broadcast via Zoom from the NHSM Museum headquarters in Overlea, Maryland. In addition to the performance, Rachel Carson will be posthumously granted an honorary membership to NHSM*.

Colleen Webster assumes the persona of this legend in a one-woman show that highlights Carson’s research, personal life and legacy, which we still enjoy today along the Chesapeake Bay. Find out more about Colleen here: https://livinghistoryperformances.com/

*NOTE: Ms. Carson was studying in Baltimore (1932) during the infancy of the Natural History Society of Maryland (NHSM) which was founded in 1929 in Baltimore. Since some NHSM Founders were associated with different institutes of higher learning, including JHU, it stands to reason, that Rachel would have been aware of NHSM. Searches through the NHSM archives have yet to find any documented connections between Carson and NHSM. It should be noted that unfortunately, at that time, NHSM was a gentleman’s only club, which may attribute to this lack of connection.  


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