Solstice Stories: Winter Traditions of the NHSM Archaeology Club


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Clubs Members Only

The last Archaeology Club meeting of 2022 will take place on December 21st, which is the Winter Solstice. Please share historical winter holiday traditions with the group! These traditions can be from any religion or region, but we’re also hoping to see some holiday stories that specifically relate to Maryland. Share time can be anywhere from 1-5 minutes and can be done live or you can send an audio or video presentation to April ahead of time.

This meeting will take place on Zoom. You’ll receive the Zoom link and passcode when you register.

Natural History Society of Maryland’s Archaeology Club promotes the value of archaeology in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and surrounding areas. The goal of the Archaeology Club is to educate citizenry in the ethics, methods, and artifact preservation methods of archaeology and how archaeology can be used to document, discover, and promote local history. The Archaeology Club is inclusive to all persons who have an interest in archaeology.

The Natural History Society of Maryland is a volunteer-led non-profit organization, so the membership fees you pay will go directly to support the programs, the nature collections, and the building that make this kind of nature education possible.
