The Secrets of Spotted Turtles

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Clubs Lectures & Workshops

John Garrison has spent countless hours studying the ecology of the imperiled Spotted Turtle in the field, and on the computer, to better understand how to protect their populations. The Spotted Turtle is a beautiful freshwater turtle which is native to Maryland, is considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is federally endangered in Canada, and has been petitioned for federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. Join us for a discussion about the life history and conservation of Spotted Turtles on January 11th at 7:00 pm.

Bio: John Garrison is a wildlife ecologist who earned a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from Frostburg State University and a M.S. in Conservation Biology from Antioch University New England. He has worked with Spotted Turtles in Maryland, Delaware, and Massachusetts, and contributed to the recently published Conservation and Status Assessment for Spotted Turtles in the Eastern United States. John recently completed his M.S. thesis research on the nesting ecology of Spotted Turtles in Massachusetts, where he studied the predator community and human recreation at Spotted Turtle nest sites using camera traps. John is currently the research coordinator for Susquehannock Wildlife Society in Darlington, Maryland.

This event will take place on Zoom. To get the Zoom link and passcode, click Register.

Are you fascinated with reptiles and amphibians? The Natural History Society of Maryland’s Herp Club promotes the proper husbandry, conservation, study, and appreciation of reptiles and amphibians. Meet fellow “Herpers”! Amateurs, professionals, and kids of all ages are welcome! Membership to NHSM required. (NHSM membership is $25 for individuals, $35 for families.) Herp Club membership is an additional $5 for individuals and $10 for families annually.

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