Join us to celebrate the National Fossil Day, an annual celebration held to highlight the scientific and educational value of paleontology and the importance of preserving fossils for future generations. Fossils aren’t just interesting and fun to look at — they’re also proof of the existence of once-living things (like dinosaurs, animals, plants and even DNA remnants). Through these fossils we’re able to learn a lot about life from billions of years ago. We can even take a look at animals and life-forms that are no longer on the planet!
- Drop in to get free fossils, no digging required. Each person goes home with fossils to start or augment their own collection. A gift from the Natural History Society of Maryland’s Fossil Club which will be host an online Zoom fossil tutorial on (November 3 @ 7PM via Zoom) to provide more information about the specimens. CLICK HERE TO RSVP for the November 3 ZOOM tutorial
- The first 10 Teachers who show up will receive a FREE comprehensive classroom fossil collection to take back to their schools. If you aren’t one of the first 10, don’t worry, you can sign up to have a kit made for your school.
- Additional fossils will be available for purchase in our gift shop
- “Ask an Expert” have your fossils “told” by members of the NHSM Fossil Club who will be on hand to answer your fossil questions and to identify specimens you may have.
The event is free, but we ask that you RSVP – so we know how many kits to prepare to giveaway.
Natural History Society of MD
6908 Belair Road, Baltimore, 21206
6908 Belair Road, Baltimore, 21206