In the Footsteps of Dinosaurs – Beltsville Tour with Dr. Peter Kranz

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Field Experiences For the Family Fossils

“Dr. Peter Michael Kranz was born on Long Island, New York and began haunting the Dinosaur Hall of the American Museum of Natural History as soon as he could walk. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1972. Dr. Kranz has worked with museums, universities, and scientists throughout the world. He has collected dinosaurs and fossils on every continent in the northern hemisphere. Presently, his time is occupied with various aspects of science education, including teaching at all levels from prekindergarten to graduate school, making video and audio products, building exhibits, doing television productions, writing, and appearing at the occasional dinosaur birthday party.”

The site of the most important dinosaur finds of the 19th century occurred in between Baltimore and Washington near what is now the Beltsville Agricultural Complex. Join paleontologist, author of Dinosaurs of Maryland and catalyst for founding of Maryland Dinosaur park and the naming of the state dinosaur, Astrodon Johnstoni, Dr. Peter Kranz, on a guided tour of the abandoned and ponded iron ore pits from which much of the dinosaur record of Maryland was discovered.

Following the tour, we will head over to Dinosaur Park in Laurel to engage in some dinosaur hunting. NOTE: anything that is found remains the property of the park.

CANCELLATION POLICY: No refunds are available within one week of program date.


