Maryland’s State Wildlife Action Plan: Updates and Changes Impacting Herps

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Clubs Open to the Public

Maryland’s State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) outlines strategic approaches for conserving wildlife and key habitats. As a federal mandate, this document is revised every 10 years to account for changes in conservation needs and address emerging threats.

This online presentation by Beth Schlimm of the MD DNR will outline important components of the SWAP that relate to reptiles and amphibians and changes being made during this revision process. It will also cover changes and additions to the Species of Greatest Conservation Needs (SGCN) List.

The current SWAP can be viewed at this link:

To get the Zoom link and passcode sent to you via email, register below, or contact the club coordinator (

Are you fascinated by reptiles and amphibians? The Natural History Society of Maryland’s Herp Club promotes the proper husbandry, conservation, study, and appreciation of reptiles and amphibians. Amateurs, professionals, and kids of all ages are welcome. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month and are open to the public.

Although you don’t need to be a member to attend a meeting, membership gives you access to additional experiences. An annual NHSM membership is $35 for individuals, $50 for families; Herp Club membership is an additional $5 for individuals and $10 for families.

If you are not yet a member of NHSM, click here to join. When you join as a new member, you can add the club membership(s) of your choice to your registration. Current NHSM members who wish to join any clubs should email the Club Coordinator at


  • Herp Club Member: $0
  • NHSM Member -- Suggested Donation: $5
  • Education for All: $0
    NHSM believes there should be no barriers to education. If you can’t pay, that’s okay. If you can pay, great. If you can pay more, please do, so this kind of education can continue.
Register Now!


Online via Zoom