Fossil Collecting from the Middle Devonian at Beltzville Dam (Lehighton, PA)


Clubs Field Trips fossils Members Only

When Beltzville Dam was built in 1960s , the deep cut for the spillway exposed a window into the Middle Devonian (Mahantango Formation) sea that was Pennsylvania 350 million years ago. The shale along one side of the spillway is riddled with impressions of brachiopods, bryozoa, corals, crinoids, and trilobites. Although complete trilobites are rare, shed sections of Eldgedgeops rana, Pennsylvania’s State Fossil, are fairly common.

The collecting area is a flat, open field surrounded by walls that reach between ten and 30 feet. There is a paved parking area in the center of the field where people can park very close to where they are picking through the rock. There is limited shade, so be sure to bring your reusable water bottle filled to the top!

This site is great for collectors of all ages and levels. The wall is steep and unstable due to loose scree in some places, but fossils can be found easily by simply scanning through the loose rock while walking on flat ground.

This field trip is open to members of the Fossil Club — to learn more about becoming a member, click here.




Beltzville Dam 2145 Pohopoco Drive Lehighton PA 18235