Documenting Maryland’s Historic Cemeteries

Photo by Ilka Knuppel

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Please join NHSM’s Archaeology Club on March 6, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. for a fascinating talk on Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration’s (MDOT SHA) on their recent historic cemetery project.  As part of their ongoing work to identify and protect Maryland’s Cultural Resources, MDOT SHA has been developing a mobile app that allows volunteers to record the location and condition of historic cemeteries, and then upload this information to a data layer in their statewide GIS database and mapping tool. In 2019, MDOT SHA partnered with Preservation Maryland to test the app by documenting 100 cemeteries and burial sites within or adjacent to the SHA right of way that have yet to be recorded, are abandoned, or are not being maintained. SHA archaeologist Dr. Alexander Keim will share the results of this testing, talk about what inspired the project, next steps for this innovative program, and how you can get involved in documenting cemeteries with the new app.

You must be a member of both the NHSM and the NHSM Archaeology Club to attend.  Cost of the lecture is $5.00.


Natural History Society of MD
6908 Belair Road, Baltimore, 21206