“Clubapalooza” Intro. to NHSM Clubs

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Clubs For the Family Special Event

The realm of natural history is vast. The Natural History Society of Maryland, established in 1929, it dedicated to natural history in all its various forms, from botany to mineralogy, astronomy to microbiology, and everything else in between. If you want to learn a little bit about a lot of different subjects, NHSM is your place. If you want to dive deeper into a specific subject, NHSM is also your place. NHSM has 4 established clubs (inter-generational) that meet monthly, have speakers, go on field trips, and engage in a variety of projects associated with their field of study:

  • The Lep Club – Butterflies and Moths
  • The Herp Club – Amphibians and Reptiles
  • The Archaeology Club
  • The Fossil Club

In addition, NHSM hosts a monthly gathering of moss enthusiasts and a bi-monthly meeting of plant people.

Join us to learn more about these clubs and NHSM. Zoom meeting information will be included in the registration receipt. Please direct all questions regarding this program to bstrong@marylandnature.org.


Online via Zoom