Big Trees of Carroll County Driving Tour

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Field Experiences Open to the Public

Have you admired a tree while thinking that’s “a big one”? Meet the biggest trees of Carroll County on a guided driving tour with Geary Schwemmer, head of the county’s Big Tree Program. Our eight stops will include a variety of big trees such as the third largest tree in Maryland, the Hoover Sycamore; a white oak listed as a Maryland Bicentennial Tree; and a black mulberry which was a former national champion. We will caravan about 30 miles in our vehicles. Participants will receive a detailed booklet listing each site with directions. We’ll finish our drive with an optional ice cream stop at Hoffman’s in Westminster.

This tour includes trees on private property and is only possible with the permission of the property owners. We have been permitted to visit on only this one occasion. We ask that you not share the location of these trees with others out of respect for their privacy.

Carpooling is required since parking is limited at several stops.

The Big Tree Program originated in Maryland in 1925 by the State’s first Forester, Fred Besley. A national program began in 1940, modeled after the Maryland program. It rewards owners who care for their big trees since about 90% of registered trees are backyard trees, as opposed to forest-grown trees. Trees grown in backyards tend to have less competition and receive more nutrients and water from the owners. Each big tree owner receives a certificate, a thank you letter, and a list of trees of that species registered in Maryland. Additional benefits of the program include providing a database to those studying trees who may need to know where big examples are located. The database serves as an important record over time for changes to species distribution and is also handy for those looking for locations of rare and unusual species. The Big Tree database base is accessible online at

Our field trip leader is Geary Schwemmer, a former NASA engineer who recently retired from private industry developing laser remote-sensing instruments. Geary was curious about the trees listed on the Big Tree database and after visiting a few, realized many of the locations were incorrect. He began to volunteer for Carroll County to update the database, then joined the Carroll County Forestry Board to get more involved. Geary enjoys motorcycling and performance sports with his dog, too.

While registering for this field trip, you will be asked to consider a donation to the Big Tree Program at the state level. Your donation will assist them in cataloging new trees as found and recorded and will serve as a thank-you for Geary’s time in developing this program.

Payment and Cancellation Policy: Payment is due online at the time of registration. Cancellations made seven or more days in advance of the event will receive a refund minus a 5% processing fee. Cancellations made within seven days of the event will not receive a refund. Events and field trips with fees of $10 or less are not refundable at any time unless canceled by NHSM. NHSM retains the right to update or change these requirements at any time.

For questions, please email Jayne at


  • NHSM Member: $15
  • Non Member: $20
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