Love them or hate them, rats are inescapable. In this New Scientist Non-Fiction Book of the Year Joe Shute explores our complex and often contradictory relationship with the rat. He travels the world from sub-Saharan Africa to the Rocky Mountains and visits some of the most rodent-infested cities on earth to unpick the myths we […]
Envision sunshine, bird song, and the bright green of new leaves. Is it a dream, or are you birding at Waredaca Brewing Company? Wake up to find spring migration at its best. The sky is the limit for the species of birds we may find along the trail. And as a bonus, our hike ends […]
It may be safe to safe that art and nature have a symbiotic relationship – feeding of and from each other. NHSM explores and celebrates this relationship in a series of Art and Nature Workshops.
Our popular vernal pool field experiences will be held as pop-up events this spring. Dates are difficult to predict and are based on rainfall and temperatures. Once a date with suitable conditions is chosen, registration will open about five days in advance of the event date. Watch our E-Blast newsletter and website calendar for date […]
Susquehanna State Park sits on land rich in history. And Virginia bluebells! Spring weather ignites ephemerals into full bloom there, with bluebells winning the most prolific award as they carpet the forest floor in every direction. Let’s spend a morning with wildlife photographer and naturalist Frank Marsden as he shares the history of Conowingo Dam, […]
Maryland’s State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) outlines strategic approaches for conserving wildlife and key habitats. As a federal mandate, this document is revised every 10 years to account for changes in conservation needs and address emerging threats. This online presentation by Beth Schlimm of the MD DNR will outline important components of the SWAP that […]
During a discussion of how women are treated in traditionally male-dominated fields, paleobotanist Ellen Currano lamented to filmmaker Lexi Jamieson Marsh that, as the only young and female faculty member in her department, she was not taken seriously by her colleagues. If only she had the right amount of facial hair, she joked, maybe they […]
How big is your shark tooth collection? If your answer is between zero and a thousand, join us to search for fossil treasures at Stratford Hall. With private beach access and help from expert volunteers, this trip is a unique opportunity for those looking to learn about ancient life in this area and perfect their […]
A large iron ring hangs from a wall that was set in place many decades ago. And right below, there’s a big stone step. Look closely to see a peephole near the top. Who was spying? Join geologist Sam Glasscock to find out the answer on this walk near the Inner Harbor. Sam will share […]
In this workshop learn everything you ever wanted to know about iNaturalist but were afraid to ask. Get prepared to participate in the 2025 City Nature Challenge, and learn more about the natural world around you. What is iNaturalist? iNaturalist is a lot of different things, but at its core, iNaturalist is an online social […]