The University of Arkansas is home to the Tree-Ring Laboratory (TRL). Established in 1979, the TRL concentrates on the development of exactly-dated annual ring-width chronologies from ancient forests worldwide, a unique archive of environmental history that has many interdisciplinary applications. Dr. David Stahle, Distinguished Professor and head of the TRL, will present on dendrochronology (tree-ring dating), […]
Cost: $0-5
Explore the combination of printmaking and watercolor! Use sumi or Akua black ink to hand print leaves, flowers, or vegetables, then learn how to paint these prints with watercolor. By the end of the workshop, you will have several colorful prints in the takuga style on a variety of printmaking papers. The supply fee includes a shikishi board for framing […]
Cost: $60-70
Ensuring the health of pet reptiles goes beyond proper diet and habitat — it includes routine parasite screening. At this meeting of the NHSM Herp Club, Tyler France will cover the importance of fecal smear and fecal float analysis, how it benefits reptile owners, and how The Chameleon Collective services make parasite checks more accessible. […]
Cost: $0-5
Recent discoveries at a site in Reisterstown suggest that Ice Age hunter-gatherers inhabited what is now Baltimore County, crafting tools from local stone, which they then carried with them throughout the region. This online presentation by Zachary Singer will provide an overview of the Paleoindian Period (13,000-10,000 years before present) in Maryland based on data […]
Cost: $0-5
What do thousands of horseshoe crabs do when the evening tide is high and the spring moon is new or full? A spawning so huge that people travel to view it from around the world. The scene begins with male horseshoe crabs waiting along the water’s edge. As a female moves with the tide onto […]
Cost: $0-5
An anthropologist who followed Brazilian indigenous movements for more than 20 years looks back and forth. Linda Rabben is an author, a sociocultural anthropologist and a human rights activist. For more than 30 years she did research on and in Brazil for NGOs, including Amnesty International and the Rainforest Foundation, and published two books on […]
Cost: $0-5
Reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna) often need specialized care to thrive in captivity, even short term. Knowing the biology and natural history of these animals is vital to provide quality care. This two-day course will provide a detailed exploration of reptiles and amphibians, how they live in the wild, and current best practices for captive care. […]
Cost: $100-175
Here in the Mid-Atlantic, QF is advocating for and restoring populations of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus viriginanus) through habitat restoration and outreach. Populations of Northern Bobwhite in the Mid-Atlantic have declined by over 6% annually since the 1980’s, with similar declines seen in populations of songbirds and other organisms associated with early successional habitats. In this […]
Cost: $0-5