Christopher DiPiazza is a paleoartist, an illustrator who is commissioned by museums and scientists specifically to reconstruct prehistoric life. A New Jersey native, Chris now calls Maryland home. He has a degree in animal science from Rutgers University, worked as a zookeeper for over a decade in New York and New Jersey, and worked as […]
Cost: $0-5
Those of a certain age can remember car grills and windshields caked with insect bodies. Today you are hard pressed to find any insect remnants on a car. Recent research has shown that insect populations have declined by more than 45% since the 1980s, and another 40% of all insect species will be at risk […]
Cost: $0-5
It may be safe to safe that art and nature have a symbiotic relationship – feeding of and from each other. NHSM explores and celebrates this relationship in a series of Art and Nature Workshops.
Cost: $55-70
Often referred to as “living fossils”, horseshoe crabs have inhabited the Earth’s water for nearly half a billion years. They have survived all of our planet’s recorded mass extinctions, witnessed the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, and have done it all while maintaining more or less the same body plan. It’s easy to assume […]
Cost: $0-5
Cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) are a relatively large, coastal pelagic species of batoid (flat sharks) that migrate seasonally along the East Coast of the US in very large schools. Those that spend the summer months in Chesapeake Bay generally spend their winters in Florida. Conspicuous predators of a wide array of invertebrates, primarily of relatively […]
Cost: $0-5
Many people know how to identify trees by their leaves, but what about when those leaves have fallen or are out of reach? Through our learning process you will deepen your ability to notice details and you perception of trees. You will learn about a system for noticing the beautiful variety of bark characteristics and […]
Cost: $50-65
During a discussion of how women are treated in traditionally male-dominated fields, paleobotanist Ellen Currano lamented to filmmaker Lexi Jamieson Marsh that, as the only young and female faculty member in her department, she was not taken seriously by her colleagues. If only she had the right amount of facial hair, she joked, maybe they […]
Cost: $0-5
In this workshop learn everything you ever wanted to know about iNaturalist but were afraid to ask. Get prepared to participate in the 2025 City Nature Challenge, and learn more about the natural world around you. What is iNaturalist? iNaturalist is a lot of different things, but at its core, iNaturalist is an online social […]
Cost: $0
Many people know how to identify trees by their leaves, but what about when those leaves have fallen or are out of reach? Through our learning process you will deepen your ability to notice details and you perception of trees. You will learn about a system for noticing the beautiful variety of bark characteristics and […]
Cost: $50-65
Freshwater crayfishes play important roles in Maryland’s freshwater aquatic ecosystems. As keystone species, crayfishes affect physical habitat and substrate composition, breaking down leaves, woody debris, and aquatic vegetation, and they serve as an important food source to dozens of animals. Maryland is home to 14 species including 9 natives and 5 introduced species. This presentation […]
Cost: $0-5