Upcoming Event Category: Field Experiences


Vernal Pool Field Trip this Saturday, March 29

Photo by Jayne Ash

Community Field Experiences For the Family Open to the Public

It’s challenging to predict when frogs will become active and salamanders will begin migrating from the forest to a vernal pool to reproduce. With the weather warming, the wood frogs and peepers should be active this week, and maybe a spotted salamander if the forest floor remains damp. Saturday looks like the best chance right […]

Cost: $5-15

Wild Edibles: Early Spring Plants with Nick Spero

Photo by Jayne Ash

Field Experiences Open to the Public Wild Edible Walks

Join the buffet line for newly sprouted delicacies with master forager Nick Spero. Discover locally found plants that can add flavor to your cooking and apply that know-how to your own backyard. We’ll be on the lookout for early springtime plants such as garlic mustard, poke, wild garlic, and perilla. We will discuss collection methods […]

Cost: $35-48

Spring Wildflower Hike at Shenks Ferry

Photo by Jayne Ash

Field Experiences Open to the Public

Hike through the spring ephemerals with us at Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve. This world-renowned site is home to 70 species of wildflowers, many of which bloom in early spring. This strategy capitalizes on sunlight availability, allowing the plants to grow and reproduce in the sun before the tree canopy shades out the forest floor. Common […]

Cost: $23-28

Vernal Pool Pop-Up Field Experiences

Photo by Jayne Ash

Field Experiences For the Family Open to the Public

Our popular vernal pool field experiences will be held as pop-up events this spring. Dates are difficult to predict and are based on rainfall and temperatures. Once a date with suitable conditions is chosen, registration will open about five days in advance of the event date. Watch our E-Blast newsletter and website calendar for date […]

Birds and Brews Spring Edition

Photo by https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/illustration-cartoon-blue-bird-holding-beer-glass_145738536.htm

Bird Watching Field Experiences Open to the Public

Envision sunshine, bird song, and the bright green of new leaves. Is it a dream, or are you birding at Waredaca Brewing Company? Wake up to find spring migration at its best. The sky is the limit for the species of birds we may find along the trail. And as a bonus, our hike ends […]

Cost: $5-10

Vernal Pool Pop-Up Field Experiences

Photo by Jayne Ash

Field Experiences For the Family Open to the Public

Our popular vernal pool field experiences will be held as pop-up events this spring. Dates are difficult to predict and are based on rainfall and temperatures. Once a date with suitable conditions is chosen, registration will open about five days in advance of the event date. Watch our E-Blast newsletter and website calendar for date […]

Historic Tales and Virginia Bluebells

Photo by Jayne Ash

Bird Watching Field Experiences Open to the Public

Susquehanna State Park sits on land rich in history. And Virginia bluebells! Spring weather ignites ephemerals into full bloom there, with bluebells winning the most prolific award as they carpet the forest floor in every direction. Let’s spend a morning with wildlife photographer and naturalist Frank Marsden as he shares the history of Conowingo Dam, […]

Cost: $20-25

Geology of Baltimore City Walk: April

Photo by Jayne Ash

Field Experiences Open to the Public

A large iron ring hangs from a wall that was set in place many decades ago. And right below, there’s a big stone step. Look closely to see a peephole near the top. Who was spying? Join geologist Kathleen Marasco to find out the answer on this walk near the Inner Harbor. Kathleen will share […]

Cost: $15-20

Texas Quarry Tour, Family Friendly

Photo by Jayne Ash

Field Experiences For the Family Open to the Public Tours Tours

Digging holes seems like child’s play. But not when you’re the crew at Martin Marietta’s Texas Quarry. Their hole isn’t measured in feet, but rather miles: a mile long and a half mile wide, to be exact. This massive pit was the source of marble that built the walkway to the Capitol in Annapolis and […]

Cost: $0-10

Spring Migration Birding & City Nature Challenge Hike

Bird Watching Field Experiences Open to the Public

Springtime warmth means more birds overhead, on the move to their summer homes. Join ecologist John Canoles for a birding hike at Swan Harbor Farm, a popular bird spot with diverse habitats, including wetlands, forest, waterfront, and a dredge spoil area. Swan Harbor Farm has a total species list of over 277 types of birds, […]

Cost: $20-23