Our 96th birthday as an organization is coming up. For the past three years, we have used Founders’ Day to honor and highlight a particular person’s contribution to the organization. However, with all of the renovations and changeover of exhibits, we decided to celebrate a little bit differently. The one thing that all who have been […]
Those of a certain age can remember car grills and windshields caked with insect bodies. Today you are hard pressed to find any insect remnants on a car. Recent research has shown that insect populations have declined by more than 45% since the 1980s, and another 40% of all insect species will be at risk […]
It may be safe to safe that art and nature have a symbiotic relationship – feeding of and from each other. NHSM explores and celebrates this relationship in a series of Art and Nature Workshops.
It’s challenging to predict when frogs will become active and salamanders will begin migrating from the forest to a vernal pool to reproduce. With the weather warming, the wood frogs and peepers should be active this week, and maybe a spotted salamander if the forest floor remains damp. Saturday looks like the best chance right […]
Join the buffet line for newly sprouted delicacies with master forager Nick Spero. Discover locally found plants that can add flavor to your cooking and apply that know-how to your own backyard. We’ll be on the lookout for early springtime plants such as garlic mustard, poke, wild garlic, and perilla. We will discuss collection methods […]
Get ready for summer with a fossilized shark tooth necklace you make yourself! Drop into the museum between 10-2 to create a wearable piece of history featuring an authentic Otodus shark tooth from Morocco—an ancient ancestor of the massive megalodon. For centuries, shark teeth have been worn as symbols of protection, strength, and effortless cool. We provide all materials—you bring […]
Hike through the spring ephemerals with us at Shenks Ferry Wildflower Preserve. This world-renowned site is home to 70 species of wildflowers, many of which bloom in early spring. This strategy capitalizes on sunlight availability, allowing the plants to grow and reproduce in the sun before the tree canopy shades out the forest floor. Common […]
Often referred to as “living fossils”, horseshoe crabs have inhabited the Earth’s water for nearly half a billion years. They have survived all of our planet’s recorded mass extinctions, witnessed the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, and have done it all while maintaining more or less the same body plan. It’s easy to assume […]
Cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) are a relatively large, coastal pelagic species of batoid (flat sharks) that migrate seasonally along the East Coast of the US in very large schools. Those that spend the summer months in Chesapeake Bay generally spend their winters in Florida. Conspicuous predators of a wide array of invertebrates, primarily of relatively […]
Our popular vernal pool field experiences will be held as pop-up events this spring. Dates are difficult to predict and are based on rainfall and temperatures. Once a date with suitable conditions is chosen, registration will open about five days in advance of the event date. Watch our E-Blast newsletter and website calendar for date […]