Category: Blog: Today in Nature

The main blog page for the Natural History Society of Maryland (NHSM); it includes posts about things individuals, families, and friends can do to learn more and experience nature.

What are the Frogs Trying to Tell Us?

Blog: Today in Nature

Northern Green Frog

Maryland is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and insects. But, my absolute favorite group of animals to photograph are the amphibians.  Maryland is home to the Chesapeake Bay, which is fed by over 64,000 square miles of watershed.  All of these rivers, streams, creeks, and ponds make a […]

Responsible Herp Hiking

Blog: Today in Nature

Photo by

Despite the recent “stay at home” orders parks and campgrounds have seen a surge in activity as people look to the outdoors for a safe outlet for their energy. This is occurring at the same time when park staffing has been reduced or eliminated altogether. Now more then ever it is imperative for each hiker, […]

Waterscapes and Where Rivers are Born

Blog: Today in Nature

Aquatic Ecology: Introduction To Series As we go about our daily lives we sometimes glimpse streams in our urban or rural landscapes.  We might imagine the fish, frogs, insects and turtles who live there, but there is so much more!  If you’ve seen their hidden wonders up close, it becomes apparent that these aquatic ecosystems […]

Learn about NHSM’s Archaeology Club!

Blog: Today in Nature

In 2019, the Natural History Society of Maryland decided to add an archaeology club.  We were just starting to get some real momentum going, and, well, you know….Covid.  However, there is always tomorrow, and once this pandemic is over we are planning for some more great archaeology projects! One project which the Archaeology Club was […]

What Are Those Fuzzy Pink Things? How to Harvest and Use Mimosa Tree Flowers!

Blog: Today in Nature

Have you ever noticed fuzzy pink, silky stranded flowers in trees around the end of June and beginning of July? Did you know that they are edible and medicinal? Let’s learn a bit more! Firstly, it is important to note that these blog posts are meant to bring and expand these plants into our awareness. […]

The Foraged Berries Series: How to Identify and Harvest Wineberries

Blog: Today in Nature

Photo by Bev (

This year, there is particular comfort in the markings of the seasons that have stayed the same. June (and July!) is told by berries–mulberries, juneberries, wineberries, strawberries, blueberries. When you know how to look, you can see the abundance everywhere in Maryland– the city, suburbs, and countryside.  In our second blog post of this series, […]