People always have been interested in snakes, turtles, lizards, and alligators, as well as frogs and salamanders. Amphibians and reptiles—collectively known as herpetofauna—are increasingly important today as their populations are key indicators of the effects of climate change and habitat fragmentation on wildlife. Presented by certified merit badge counselor, Tom Scollins, herpetology curator and leader of NHSM Herp Club, this class will help you fulfill the following Merit Badge requirements*: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10. There will be plenty of live and preserved animals on hand.
Terms and Conditions: Pre-registration and prepayment are required to attend. Spaces are limited. Cancellations up to a week in advance of the course will incur a $5 processing fee. No refunds made 7 days before the start of the course.
Things to remember to bring for this Merit Badge Class:
1. Merit Badge Blue Card properly filled out and signed off by your Scoutmaster
2. Reptile and Amphibian Merit Badge Pamphlet and Workbook
3. Scout Uniform
4. Supporting documentation or project work pertinent to this merit badge which may also include a Merit Badge Workbook for reference with notes
5. A positive Scouting focus and attitude
The badge also requires either three months of recorded observation of a reptile or Amphibian in a nature center, zoo or similar location, OR one month care and recorded observations
of a reptile or amphibian you keep at home. If you have a pet reptile or amphibian already, then the one month of care is a simple option for you. PLEASE do NOT go out and purchase a pet
reptile or amphibian just to complete the badge! Pet ownership is always a long-term commitment for the life of your pet and should only be undertaken after careful consideration. You may
make observations at any a nature center, zoo, pet store, or other similar center near your home. NOTE: The Mid-Atlantic Turtle and Tortoise Society is partnering with NHSM on this badge, and will make available foster turtles for purposes of fulfilling the merit badge requirements. You may convert the fostering into adoption.
* Most Merit Badges are not designed to be completed in a single session with an instructor, so it is not always possible to walk away with a completed and signed blue card at the end a program. Every badge requires some independent work by your scout. We call this “pre-work” because, if these requirements are performed prior to our program, we can complete and sign the merit badge card. Otherwise we will sign partial cards at the completion of our program and will have qualified counselors review assignments on an individual basis at a later date. Note you will have to contact and schedule an appointment with Tom Scollins. NOTE: The Herp club meets monthly at NHSM on the Second Wednesday of every month at 7PM.
The Natural History Society of Maryland is a volunteer-led non-profit organization, so the fee you pay will go directly to support the programs, the nature collections, and the building that make this kind of nature education possible.
Payment and Cancellation Policy: Payment is due online at the time of registration. Cancellations made seven or more days in advance of the event will receive a refund minus a 5% processing fee. Cancellations made within seven days of the event will not receive a refund.
Thank you for your support!
Levels:- NHSM Member Family Scout: $20
- Scout - Non-NHSM Member: $25
6908 Belair Road, Baltimore, 21206