Texas Quarry Tour, Family Friendly

Photo by Jayne Ash

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Field Experiences For the Family Open to the Public Tours Tours

Digging holes seems like child’s play. But not when you’re the crew at Martin Marietta’s Texas Quarry. Their hole isn’t measured in feet, but rather miles: a mile long and a half mile wide, to be exact. This massive pit was the source of marble that built the walkway to the Capitol in Annapolis and the portico for St. Paul’s Cathedral in NYC. Our Washington Monument in Baltimore and a section of the Washington Monument in D.C. are also made from Texas marble. The history of this quarry goes back even further to 1802 and the first Irish immigrants to the region. On this tour, let’s watch the heavy equipment dig and haul while discovering the stories of those immigrants.

We will learn the history of the quarry, including past and current ownership, and information on daily operations. This tour is based on a scenic overlook above the quarry. From there, we can view the equipment at work in the distance. There is no public access to the quarry pit or the operations since it is a working job site.

Please note

  • All must sign a Hold Harmless Agreement with Martin Marietta to be on the property.
  • Everyone aged 5 years and older is welcome to attend.
  • Proper outdoor etiquette is required. No climbing, running, or loud voices. Be respectful of our speakers by demonstrating good listening skills.
  • Families are welcome to leave the tour at any time if needed.
  • Photos are welcome.
  • Bring binoculars to see across the trucks working across the pit. It is over a mile across.
  • You may bring lawn chairs if extended standing is difficult.
  • Bring water and a hat. The area is well-shaded but can get sunny.
  • To register children ages 5 to 16, please add them as your guests at the reduced price.
  • To register extra adults, please add them individually at the adult rate.
  • If you have trouble registering, please email JAsh@marylandnature.org.

In case of inclement weather, this tour will be canceled.

Detailed driving directions on where to meet will be emailed five days before the trip.

Registration fees are considered a donation to NHSM to cover our administrative costs. If you cannot donate at this time, please register under the Education For All heading. Refunds for cancellations are not available. Refunds will be available if NHSM cancels.


  • Education for All: $0
    Please consider donating $5 to offset our expenses. Click on the donation link at checkout. Thanks.
  • NHSM Members: $7
    Please add children as guests for the reduced rate of $5.
  • Non Members: $10
    Please add children as guests for the reduced rate of $7.
Register Now!


Cockeysville, Martin-Marietta Texas Quarry