Full Moon Canoe Float at Jug Bay


canoe Field Trips

Jug Bay is one of the most important freshwater tidal estuaries in the Chesapeake Bay region and provides a beautiful and colorful display of pickerelweed’s purple flowers and yellow pond-lily’s cup-shaped blooms that border open water with acres of wild rice in the background. Join us for this relaxing and spectacular paddle around Jug Bay for the sunset and an exceptional view of the full moon. The colorful sunset and bright moonlight will certainly provide you with a truly unique experience that you don’t want to miss!

This trip is great for all levels of paddlers, but keep in mind that we will be paddling in the dark (headlamps will be provided). Our canoes seat 2 adults, so individuals will be paired up with another paddler – if you are not comfortable paddling with a stranger, sign-up with a buddy! Your feet will get wet! Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear that you don’t mind getting wet or dirty. 

CANCELLATION POLICY – Refunds available if cancellations are made greater than 7 days prior to trip.

Specific trip information will be provided upon registration. Please contact Lauren with any additional questions.


Selby's Landing at Patuxent River Park