Baltimore Checkerspot Restoration Project

Baltimore Checkerspot
Photo by Wikipedia

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Clubs Members Only

Learn about the Susquehannock Wildlife Society’s research and conservation efforts for Maryland’s State Insect, the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly.  Over the past several years, SWS has worked to enhance habitat, reintroduce, manage and document this rare and declining species at their Wildlife Center in Harford County.

This meeting of the Lep Club will take place on Zoom. To get the Zoom ID and Passcode, register for the event.

If you love butterflies and moths, consider joining the Lep Club. The Lep Club is made up of novice and expert lepidopterists who meet to exchange knowledge and support concerning habitat, threats, food sources, identification, and life cycle of butterflies and moths. Club meetings encourage a sharing of knowledge for the raising and breeding of moths and butterflies through hands-on lessons and guest speakers. Club members are also involved in outreach in the greater Baltimore community through educational programs and service projects. Club meetings often feature a guest speaker who shares their knowledge on a topic related to moths and butterflies, as well as time to distribute caterpillars and eggs.
To learn more about all NHSM Clubs:


Online via Zoom