Whale Sharks – The Largest Fish in the Sea

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Lectures & Workshops

Found circum-globally in tropical and warm temperate seas, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the largest fish in the sea.  The species has suffered a >50% decline in global population over the last 75 years, leading to a conservation status of “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Cameron Perry, PhD candidate at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, who works closely with Georgia Aquarium on their whale shark research, will discuss all things whale sharks and provide insight into how Georgia Aquarium is helping solve this missing piece in whale shark biology and ecology. Journey with him to the remote island of St Helena as he shares the results of dedicated field research trips to this location.  Come learn more about why whale sharks may be showing up in these waters and how they may help provide clues into the mysteries surrounding whale shark reproduction

Our limited understanding of whale shark reproduction comes from one pregnant female that was caught in Taiwan in 1995 (Joung et al., 1996). 


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