“Recovering from Deer Damage: What is Most Important to You–Fewer Ticks? Less Deer-Related Car Accidents? Improving Habitats?”
Is the picture above a familiar sight? It should be! In recent history, deer populations have increased to extremely high levels ultimately also increasing the amount of damage they can cause to humans and to healthy ecosystems. From dispersing lyme-disease ridden ticks to chomping on garden plants to harming forests, butterflies, and lizards, deer populations can have broad impacts. Come out to NHSM and hear Eugene Meyer, a recently retired professor of Loyola University, talk about these impacts, how they make sense in light of key aspects of deer ecology and human natural history, and solutions being tested around the United States.
Cost: $10 per person. You can either pay in cash at the event or prepay by following the link below.
If you don’t see the event you are looking for, please hover your cursor over the image until the vertical scroll bar appears on the right hand side.
PARKING INFORMATION: Our parking lot has been renovated with a stormwater management system, with native landscaping. It’s beautiful!, but we have fewer parking spots. Click here for information, directions, and maps to alternative over-flow parking. Once parked, come to the double glass doors at the top of the ramp and stairs.