Looking for Bald Eagles in Loch Raven Reservoir

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Photo credit: Ron Holmes

Join biologist Nick Spero on a winter hike to look for bald eagles! This is a great time of year to see them! We may also see some Widgeon, Lesser Scaup, Hooded Mergansers, Common Mergansers, Bufflehead, and Redhead ducks.

Difficulty: Moderately Strenuous (derived from the combination of cold weather and decent hikingplease don’t underestimate the cold!)

What to wear: PREPARE FOR THE COLD!!! Dress in warm layers with non-cotton articles of clothing, and don’t forget to wear gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, etc.

What to bring: binoculars and guidebooks if you have any!

As always this time of year, snow is a possibility! Please check back on Meetup or our Facebook page in the case of cancellation or postponement if snow is a possibility. We will try to make the call the day before at the latest.

Nick Spero is a biologist who loves to observe wildlife. He was featured on NPR talking about foraging. Check out the awesome video HERE.
Nick, like most of the other people leading NHSM, is a volunteer, so your money will go directly to support the programs, the nature collections, and the building that make this kind of nature education possible. Donate or become a member of the Natural History Society of Maryland by visiting https://marylandnature.org/support-maryland-nature/.


Loch Raven Reservoir: 9762 Loch Raven Drive