Nature Connections: A Snow Show

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Nature Connections: A Snow Show

Have you ever wondered how photographers have been able to capture the delicate details of a snowflake?

How about where snow comes from and how it’s formed?

At this free Nature Connections we will be taking an in-depth look at snow and learning all about how Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley took his 1885 iconic snowflake photographs.  Martin Schmidt will demonstrate how snow forms in the atmosphere and grows into storms.  And in a special presentation, Kathy Hrechka will be showing us her approach of photographing snow with a process called photomicrography.

There will also be a snowflake craft for kids of all ages and a special reading of Snowflake Bentley.


Special Presentations:

1:15 pm / Kathy Hrechka, will present The Art of Snow Crystal Photomicrography

2:00 pm / Martin Schmidt, will feature a talk on low-pressure systems that can give us snowstorms

2:30 pm / Linda Davis, will read children’s book, Snowflake Bentley


Natural History Society of Maryland hopes to see you there!


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